Friday, October 8, 2010


Pronounced arts-ca-pades. What is it? I will admit that i made this word up you will not find it anywhere in the dictionary if you punch it into a search engine my blog will probably show up.. because I made it up. my play on the word escapade.... you know an adventure that causes you to escape. Well because I love all things artsy and because it is my right as an American citizen to make up random words, Artzcapades was birthed.  It is an explosive experience with the arts that my cause you to step out of yourself and venture to another time or place or make you feel so human that you loose sight of your surroundings.  Its a painting, a film, a theatrical or dance performance or anything artsy that you truly feel speaks to you for that moment.  It sparks something new in you or reminds you of something in you that you had forgotten was there.   There is a scene from a movie called "Center Stage" that I think is so Artzcapadian (remember my right as an American citizen). The dance students in the movie are invited to attend a performance of  Swan Lake. The camera zooms in on the students as the the female and male principles dance across the stage and  end up in a warm embrace. The camera catches a tear running down the face of one of the most sassy students at the dance school.  That is an Artzcapade.I have them all the time....I bet you do too!


  1. I have them all the time too! I can't wait to follow you on this journey! Let's say it loud. Arts....Ca....PADES!!! Woooooo!

  2. I am so artzy(my right as an american citizen)! I love that very same moment in that movie. To see that sassy student cry makes me cry everytime I see that movie. The art of dance touched her and she had an Artzcapadian moment!
