Thursday, October 14, 2010

Onward..To the Place Of Our Dreams!

There is a painting that I like by an artist named Andrew Wyeth, called "Christina's World".  Christina lays in a field in the foreground with her back turned away from the viewer.  One feeble looking hand is stretched towards the background her other feeble arm props her up.  Her gaze is not on us it is directed towards the background where a house is sitting through the field. Her gaze, body position and distance from the house create a longing effect.  The story behind the painting is somewhat tragic as well.. Christina a neighbor of Wyeth had some muscular disorder similar to polio, that rendered her legs useless...... instead of using a wheelchair she opted to drag her limp body around place to place...Can you imagine how tired and bruised up she would be when she reached the house in the painting..her useless legs hindered her from getting to where she longed to be.
"Christina's World"- painted by Andrew Wyeth in 1948
 There are so many things that can hinder  a person... fear..failure..rejection....depression..pride...jealousy or like her, sickness. Jesus reminds us that we are to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow him... why? Because there is a place in him that is the place only imagined in your dreams and he knows that we have things blocking our way...circumstances holding us back.  But yet He says to come follow him.... He gave is life so we could be free from those things that would hold us back from following Him...our cross signifies dying to the things holding us back... its a process it takes daily commitment and deep healing but like scripture says " Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles , and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us"  
Quick sketch I did...Jesus sets us free to get to the place of our dreams


  1. Love it, babe! I definitely want to go to that place. It seems far at times, but I believe I, and we, will get there.

  2. Girly, I love your quick sketch! I have to admit it brought tears to my eyes. God knows the plans for my life. God is incontrol!
