Monday, December 6, 2010

I.D.....Taking Another Look at the Show!

One piece that particularly stood out at the CSU art show was a piece called "Cross".  It was a Minimalist piece, simply a stark white cross with a rectangular mirror placed in the center.  But like they say a picture( or sculpture in this case) is worth a thousand words! The mirror allowed the viewer to become part of the piece.. if you stepped close to the work you could see yourself right in the center of the cross.  Depending on the angle I could also see other people walking by or standing looking up at art works, but I think the intent of the artist was to zero in on one particular person as they viewed the piece.

"Cross", by Schwartzy, made with lumber, acrylic paint and mirror

  It brought one of my favorite scriptures to mind, where Paul is writing a letter to the Galatians and begins to describe his identity.  It says " I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I , but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."  Identity is something I have personally struggled with. It was birthed by many things such as, placing too much emphasis on what I did or didn't do (I would look to those things to define me),  relying on what other people said or perceived me to be ( never a good idea) and having confusion over my place in the world (not really feeling a since of belonging anywhere)... It was holding me back, then I was lead to realize that who I am is based on who Jesus is, not on the  career I choose, not on my past or present circumstances and not on how I come across to others.
Me in "Cross", by Schwartzy
 One of the things that I do is write down scriptures that tell me who I am in Christ... they have become sort of like my spiritual I.D cards. I will walk around my house saying, praying and declaring these scriptures and building myself up.

My spiritual I.D's... thanks to Jesus!

I am still a work in progress...I am sure you are too. Let's find out who we are in Him and what we have in Him and live it out in our work places, our families, friendships, churches, and all over the world!
I hope you are too!!!!

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