Saturday, October 23, 2010

Join Him In Wonderland!!!

 Wonder. The very word may conjure up multiple images and emotions.... stopping to take everything in...seeing something for the first time..finding something special in the mundane.. A child-like sense of the world! But what is wonder... what is it to be in a state of wonder?  Is it escaping from our world to a far off land with mythical creatures, like in the story of Alice In Wonderland? This story has been adapted into cartoons and movies...but a few months ago the Burress household decided to get in on the action, by throwing our very own Alice in Wonderland Extravaganza!!!!  Complete with magical cookies, costumes, games, the infamous tea party an of course a private screening of the newest movie.

 Maybe we were trying to restore our own since of wonder...I think being in a state of wonder is crucial to being an artist... we hone in on things others may pass up as mundane whether emotions, relationships, objects, landscapes... we take those things and say "Hey look at this... did you ever see it like this, before".   In Psalm 77: 14 , it says " You are the God that does wonders: you have declared your strength among the people" Wow! One of the great things about knowing God is Knowing him, being able to see him in action! You know Alice encountered lots of wonders down that rabbit hole....disappearing cats...rhyming catepillars, magical food, a queen with a violent streak! But with all she saw an experienced in Wonderland nothing compares to the wonders God performs....all so we can know Him!  I have seen Jesus change hearts, give lives purpose, vanish fears with just a word; I have heard singing and praise from the lips of those who should be mourning, those in sickness claiming healing, and being healed; I have seen pasts erased. Yes! He is the God that does wonders....don't ever lose your sense of wonder in our wonderful God!  He's got more to show us!!!


  1. Oh Laura :) I love you. Your perspective of life and God is so totally refreshing and WONDERful :)

  2. Our kids are in for some crazy fun times with two crazy parents!
